Attracting foreign investors to Piemonte region in Italy

Client: CEI Piemonte (Italy)
Industry: Regional government
Goal: Supporting export missions and attracting foreign investors
Project description: We have assisted CEI Piemonte on various projects in both the Netherlands and Israel in order to support Piedmontese companies in expanding business in their target markets (life sciences, traffic technology, naval technology, etc.) as well as attracting foreign investments (e.g. logistics sector, life sciences).
Results: Organized several trade missions with qualified one-on-one meetings for Piedmontese companies, resulting in various business contracts for the participating companies. Organized “roadshows” in the Netherlands (logistics sector) and Israel (life sciences sector) to promote Piemonte as a location for expanding activities to Italy and Southern Europe.
Would you like to learn more about this or our similar projects? Contact Bert van der Heide at
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